Tuesday, December 10, 2013

PUBLISHED!!! Really Excited and Proud!!

Our hard work and web creations 
were featured in a published article today!

The article featured 3 of our 7 websites!! 

Our Blooming Apps...
 And our Research Website...
 A little bit of background:
Karen and I started the Blooms Web Tools, so that we had a place to house the webtools we discovered and were using to help teachers integrate technology.  As it grew...we had to find a way to organize so we applied them to categories of Blooms Taxonomy.  And it grew and grew....Then our district bought ipads for k-3 teachers...so I created the Blooming Apps page.  It has over 200 free apps, again aligned to Blooms Taxonomy.  As our district moves towards a blended learning environment, I then created the Research Webpage to house the many search engines Karen and I researched, and information about citations, Big 6 and how to evaluate webcontent.  

We have also several other sites, that we hope will be featured soon;  Gen Z, Games in Education, Digital Citizenship for Educators, and soon to be available: Online Safety. 

Friday, November 22, 2013

Global Education Conference

Global Education Conference

If you did not attend any sessions at the Global Education Conference this week - my my what you missed.  In otherwords - if you aren't bleary eyed from early sessions before work, late sessions through the night, or multi-tasking overload from trying to listen in while performing your regular work duties..and your head is so overloaded with new information that you had to power down and....let the dog out....prepare and eat food.....yep you missed it.  I for one, am so unsettled with what am I supposed to be doing now that it is over...that I may just spend the evening to start viewing recordings or my notes.
So hey - -You missed it??? No worries: the sessions were recorded, and so get ready to spend your holiday break making global connections. 

The content was rich and varied, the presenters were inspirational and knowledgeable and the connections to be made for educators to connect their classroom globally were numerous enough to meet every need. Even students involved in projects presented.

I really don't know how in the world to summarize other than to say...

If you want to learn WITH another country or culture...
If your want to make global connections a part of your teaching experience....
If you want to broaden your Professional Development or Professional Learning Network
If you want to be reminded that teachers are responsible for guiding the LEARNING that occurs
If you are rather tired of following curriculum rules and mandates that don't get students engaged or excited about real world learning and you are ready for revolutionizing some part of your educational experience
If you want to flatten the world for your students

Then go here: start viewing these recordings, and start crossing off those IFs.

PS - a Special Thanks to all the presenters and to Steve Hargadon Ed Tech Superman

Saturday, October 19, 2013

So there is the previous post and great infographic about Digital Stress. Today while getting ready to present for the DEN Virt Con - I had NO Doubt that Digital Stress EXISTS. And reconfirmed my GEEK-i-ness.
  • To my right was my ipad mini for Tweets 
  • To my left was my smart phone for tech support contact 
  • On the table to my near left was my other ipad streaming my presentation on a 10 second delay
  • On my lap was my laptop and 
  • On my head was a headset and microphone. 

I really Should have a REAL PHOTO of THIS....Pink Wig and All, but it makes this Photo seem NOT SO RIDICULOUS:

Digital Stress and Your Brain

Monday, May 6, 2013

Monday Web Tool Review: Inkle

InkleWriter - is a free tool designed to allow anyone to write and publish interactive stories. The inklewriter lets you write as you play, branching the story with choices, and then linking those stories back together again. It keeps track of which paths you’ve finished, and which still need to be written.

ARE we REALLY SO CONNECTED that we cannot even WALK without......

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

TED Talks - The Danger of the Single Story

If you want to feel that you belong in the world, a family, or any relationship, you must tell your story. But if you want to see into the hearts of other beings, your first task is to hear their stories. Many people are gifted storytellers. Only the empathic are true storyhearers.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

My Slides from the presentation at DEN Spring VirtCon

Thanks to all who attended my session at VirtCon.

I appreciate all the kind comments, 

sorry I could not monitor chat and present at the same time. 

Please contact me if you have questions or comments at pinktechnologygirl@gmail.com.

I will post the presentation here later this afternoon.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

DEN Spring VirtCon

Very excited to be a presenter at  

DEN Spring VirtCon 

Presentation file will be posted here following the event.